April 2021 - Apple Delights in Delamere Park, Openshaw


Weathers changed! Sunshine and shadows, shorts and t shirts. Openshaw is looking good. Not been to Delamere park in ages - what a gem. As a young lad I used to stop around here on my way to school with mates -  Snorkel jacket, hood up, munching on a freshly baked mini Hovis after a 3 mile early morning walk from Clayton -felt like a marathon at the time..!  

Trees looking lovely today -  resplendent Cherries in full blossom, Willows with bright, fresh new growth. The park is  surrounded by houses, and a growing community keen to add their own improvements. Today, its about getting stuck in and planting a fruit trees. 

Nicci has brought her family along to get involved. its a team effort - kids digging, Nicci watering and Dad in his house cutting up the wire cages that will protect the trees. 

Martin has come along too, and gets involved doing some of the hard labour - the ground is a bit tough in places, but it gets easier as you go on. 

So the first tree is in place. Called "Katy" by the kids because it's called- er.. Katy on the label. Obvs! Katy Malus.Welcome to Openshaw. 

She's given a much- needed watering on a hot day, with residents keen to keep an eye on the trees if they wilt over the coming weeks and months. 

Another great team effort - Jenni from the parks team has come along to help.  Dan, from the Orchard Project, leading as ever. Another 12 fruit trees in the ground - all good

Mind your head..! 



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